Tag Archives: Ben Jurek

Sorritas Not Sorry

All things competitive in the world of Warhammer 40,000. This week, Robert & Eric go over the preview models and massive upset from GW’s US Open in Tampa.

Monkey Business

All things competitive in the world of Warhammer 40,000. This week Robert & Ray tackle the new Space Marine Codex previews, Flying Monkey Con and several other big events from last weekend.

Balance Slated

All things competitive in the world of Warhammer 40,000. This week Robert & Eric go over the Smite Club Open, the Balanced Dataslate, and the first events to use it.

Meta X Taking Shape

All things competitive in the world of Warhammer 40,000. This week Robert & Eric review the first weekend of tournament play where all the events are using the Balance Dataslate.

Tenth As Seen on TV

All things competitive in the world of Warhammer 40,000. This week Robert, Ray and Eric review the last of the Faction Focus article and the three streamed games US Open Kansas City and Warhammer+.

The Dam Bursts

All things competitive in the world of Warhammer 40,000. This week Robert, Ray & Eric go over the Maryland GT & Wargames for Warriors events, the faction focus from the past week, and the leaked rule book for 10th edition.

Forging a New Narrative

All Things Competitive in the World of Warhammer 40,000. This week Robert & Eric reflect on the Warhammer Community explanation of the future of army construction, plus the results of this week’s tournament action from CanHammer & Battle for LA.